Friday 10 February 2012

Kickstarter racks up over $2 million for two projects


"WoooooooooOOOOoooOoOoooOOooo! We did it! 100% funded in just over eight hours. You people are amazing!," read the Kickstarter page for Tim Schafer's Double Fine Adventure today.

Still from Elevation Dock video on Kickstarter.
This was one of two projects to hit $1 million in donations today from the crowd-source funding platform Kickstarter. According to Kickstarter, every week, tens of thousands of people pledge millions of dollars to projects listed on its site. But never has a project topped $1 million, much less two in one day.

One of the projects is the Elevation Dock designed by Casey Hopkins, the founder of ElevationLab in Portland, Ore. The gist of the Elevation Dock is to use streamlined solid aluminum design to create a dock for iPhones or iPods that is simple to use, easy to undock, and works without a case.
The dock reached $1 million today and at the time of this writing had 9,942 backers who had pledged $1,084,006.

The other project is the Double Fine Adventure video game to be made by the games industry veteran Tim Schafer, best known for Psychonauts. This Kickstarter project hit its goal of $400,000 in eight hours then proceeded to reach $1 million a short while later. As of now, Double Fine Adventure has 30,152 backers and $1,134,714. The fact that the original funding goals were exceeded is not a problem. As Schafer writes on his Kickstarter page, "All money raised will go to make the game and documentary better. Additional money means it can appear on more platforms, be translated into more languages, have more music and voice."
Kickstarter video for Double Fine Adventure:
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